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Egregious self promotion (with bonus discussion on hydrofracking)

26 Nov

My dear friends Allison Kilkenny & Jamie Kilstein from the DIY internet radio show Citizen Radio were gracious enough to lend me some time to talk about what’s been going on at Villawood Detention Center in the last couple of weeks, plus other despicable goings-on inside Australia’s mandatory detention regime.

The good news is I didn’t fuck it up. Or at least I don’t think so. Judge for yourself.

Additionally, some might say thankfully, I’m not the only guest on the show.

First up is Kate Sheppard, environment reporter from the very fine Mother Jones magazine talking oil spills, mine implosions, tar sands oil & hydrofracking – aka what Kristina Keneally is planning on doing in St Peters. For those of us who sucked at science, it’s definitely an informative listen.